3. General Ethical Principles
The Recipients hereby undertake to abide by the following ethical principles (hereinafter, the “Principles“) in the performance of any activity performed on behalf of the E-GAP Group:
3.1 kindness;
3.2 impartiality and non-discrimination;
3.3 confidentiality;
3.4 legality;
3.5 fairness;
3.6 professionalism and reliability;
3.7 sustainability;
3.8 transparency and fairness;
3.9 value of human resources;
3.10 prevention of potential conflicts of interest;
3.11 compliance with workplace health and safety regulations;
3.12 continuous improvement and quality of the services provided;
3.13 protection of competition.
3.1 Kindness
In carrying out any working activity, the recipients are required to be respectful of their interlocutors with politeness, respect, kindness, and courtesy, according to the parameters of common sense, whether they are external or internal to the Group.
3.2 Impartiality and Non-Discrimination
In the performance of work activities of any kind, particularly in decision-making, E-GAP and the Recipients are required to avoid any form of discrimination based on sex, gender, ethnicity, religion, political orientation, disability, gender, age, and any other form of diversity.
3.3 Confidentiality
E-GAP considers confidentiality as an essential and mandatory value; therefore, the Recipients ensure the confidentiality of information and personal data being processed and the protection of information derived from the work performed. The information obtained will not be used in a manner contrary to the law or for any purpose other than that for which it was gathered.
Recipients, therefore, may not derive advantages of any kind, personal or financial, direct or indirect, from the use of confidential information, nor may they communicate such information to others or recommend or induce others to do so.
The E-GAP Group’s Privacy Policy guarantees adequate security standards for the storage of personal data.
3.4 Legality
In carrying out its activities, E-GAP promotes the implementation and compliance with its internal rules and procedures, as well as with the principles of the Code, in order to prevent any violation of applicable laws.
3.5 Fairness
E-GAP in the provision of its services, or in the establishment of any working relationship is committed to avoid any abuse of power ensuring fairness and equity.
3.6 Professionalism and Reliability
The Recipients are committed to ensuring that all E-GAP activities are carried out with the utmost commitment, diligence, and professionalism, protecting the reputation and image of the Group.
3.7 Sustainability
E-GAP carries out business activities with the aim of promoting the energy transition towards forms of use of energy sources compatible with environmental protection and decarbonization of mobility. In this perspective, the Group intends to pursue one or more purposes of common benefit and operate in a responsible, sustainable, and transparent way towards people, communities, territories and environment, cultural and social goods and activities, institutions and associations and other stakeholders.
The Recipients undertake to monitor the compliance with environmental obligations and to protect natural resources, minimizing the environmental impact resulting from the performance of corporate activities, promptly reporting any situations of danger for the environment and violations of the rules of conduct and corporate procedures on the subject.
Furthermore, the E-GAP Group and the Recipients are committed, as far as possible, to respect and protect the environment in its entirety by promoting the enforcement of green and ecofriendly policies.
In any case, E-GAP operates considering the needs of the community in which it carries out its activities and seeks to contribute to its economic, environmental, social, cultural, and civil development.
3.8 Transparency and Fairness
Relations with stakeholders are based on criteria of fairness, collaboration, loyalty, and mutual respect.
The Recipients shall carry out their activities in the interest of the Group and shall therefore not be subjected to any kind of pressure.
In particular, every action, operation or transaction must be correctly recorded in the Group’s accounting system according to the criteria indicated by law and the applicable accounting principles, duly authorized, verifiable, legitimate, consistent, and congruous.
The accounting documents must meet the requirements of truthfulness and completeness of the recorded data; for each accounting operation, complete and adequate supporting documentation must be kept in the E-GAP Group’s records, in order to guarantee (i) the identification of the characteristics and motivations underlying the operation itself (ii) the accounting record (iii) and the traceability of the decision-making and authorization process.
Each employee, to the extent of their competence, acts in such a way as to ensure that all data relating to the management of the Group is correctly and promptly recorded in the accounts.
The managers and employees of E-GAP are responsible for the protection of company resources entrusted to them and have a duty to promptly inform their direct managers of events potentially harmful to the Group.
3.9 Value of Human Resources
Human resources represent an indispensable and valuable asset for the development of E-GAP.
E-GAP protects and promotes the value of human resources, also contributing to increase the wealth of skills possessed by each employee and promoting the “Teamwork”. E-GAP is committed to promoting respect for the physical, moral, and cultural integrity of the person, ensuring individual dignity and safe working environments. E-GAP prohibits any and all forms of harassment – psychological, physical, and moral – against managers, employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, or visitors.
The E-GAP Group also undertakes to ensure that no form of discrimination based on age, sex, sexual orientation, race, language, nationality, political and trade union opinions, religious beliefs or other personal characteristics not related to work can be used in the working environment.
The Group adopts criteria of merit and enhancement of the abilities, skills, and potential of individuals in its personnel selection and management policies.
3.10 Prevention of potential conflicts of interest
The Recipients of the Code of Ethics are required to avoid any situation and to refrain from any activity that may oppose a personal interest to those of the E-GAp Group or that may interfere with and hinder the ability to make decisions in the interest of the Group, in an impartial and objective manner.
Therefore, these subjects must avoid any exploitation of their position and, in particular, must exclude any possibility of overlapping or crossover of economic activities in which there is or might be a personal and/or family interest with the tasks covered and/or assigned by the Group within the context of the relations existing with it.
3.11 Compliance with Workplace Health and Safety regulations
The E-GAP Group promotes and guarantees the health and safety at work of its employees and of all those who enter its offices and working premises.
The E-GAp Group also undertakes to guarantee working conditions that respect the dignity of the individual and safe and healthy working environments, also through the diffusion of a culture of safety and risk awareness, promoting responsible behavior by all in compliance with company procedures and the provisions of the law.
In this perspective, each employee is called upon to contribute to and maintain the safety of the work environment in which they operate and to behave responsibly in order to protect themselves and others.
By reason of the activity carried out, the E-GAP Group takes into utmost consideration the protection of the environment, pursuing the improvement of the environmental conditions of the community in which it operates.
3.12 Continuous improvement and quality of services provided
All the Group’s activities and behaviors are oriented to the maximum attention towards customers, aiming to achieve optimal quality standards in view of their best satisfaction, also in relation to after-sales processes.
3.13 Protection of Competition
E-GAP complies with the current rules on competition and refrains from encouraging and / or adopting behaviors that may involve forms of unfair competition.
E-GAP and the Recipients are committed to contribute to a healthy and fair competition system in order to continuously improve and develop the Group’s activities.